Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My name is Kelli and I live in Madison, Wisconsin with my husband and two bunnies. I've lived in Madison for the past 2 1/2 years and have been living gluten free for approximately 7 years.

I've lived in several different states and have traveled around the country. One of the first things I think about before going somewhere new is "What am I going to eat?!" We love to eat out and I think that Madison is one of the best places I've lived and/or visited for people who are gluten intolerant to access great food. I hope this blog will be useful to people living in or visiting Madison who are looking for a good place to eat and I plan to post reviews on restaurants we visit in the hope that it will be useful to others trying to decide on a delicious and safe gluten free dining option. One website that I often use as a jumping off point when deciding on a restaurant is: http://www.glutenfreemadison.org/Restaurants.html

I'd love to hear from you about your favorite (or not so favorite) gluten free restaurants in the area! Please share them in comments section so everyone can benefit.